K4 CAD Solutions
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K4 CAD Solutions - Bespoke AutoCAD® Programming


     •  Data Entry via Dialogue Box
     •  Automatic CNC Code Generation
     •  Automatic Drawing Generation


A program to request 8 parameters (via a dialogue box) relating to Profile A01, to check the validity of the parameters and report any errors, to draw a dimensioned detail of the profile and to generate CNC code to turn the profile

User enters data via a dialogue box. Any previous parameters are remembered from last use. Optionally, parameters can be saved to disk as 'sets' and selected via a pull-down list in the dialogue box, thus enabling 'families' of profiles to be stored in a database. CNC code data (e.g. feed rate) could also be input via the dialogue box.

Any parameter can have minimum and maximum values defined. In more complex profiles parameters may be determined by other parameters and can be calculated and displayed prior to executing the command.

Error checking takes place after 'OK' is clicked and the user is alerted if any data is invalid, in which case the user is redirected to the invalid parameter edit box.

Next the program requests an insertion point and draws the profile at that point. The program could alternatively request all parameters via the Command Prompt (instead of a dialogue box) - allowing for the program to be run automatically via a Script. Menus can be customized for easy execution of bespoke commands, Layers and Blocks can be created on the fly - the possibilities are endless.

Dimension styles can be set to your standards, e.g. in this case double-headed arrows for diameters and the diameter symbol added to the text. All aspects of every entity drawn can be modified to meet your exact requirements - such as Linetype, Text Style, Colour or Layer. A 3D Model of the profile could also be generated automatically.

The generated CNC code (G-Code) can be saved to disk in text format or printed next to the profile for verification. The G-Code can also be 'drawn' - for further verification and comparison, or perhaps your favourite CNC program could be launched (e.g. Mach 3) with the G-Code just created.

G-Code Snippet

The above example shows how complex geometry can be programmed into applications - guaranteeing fast and accurate drawing generation. Install programs on all machines to guarantee consistent company standards. Using AutoCAD's built-in development tools - AutoLISP and DCL (Dialogue Control Language), means no upgrade is required to any AutoLISP programs should you upgrade AutoCAD - simply re-load the programs.

For a fuller description of the services provided, ranging from AutoCAD Customization and AutoLISP® programming to combined AutoCAD and Windows® Applications (e.g. Manufacturers' Databases - for distribution via CD ROM or Internet to architects and specifiers visit K4 CAD Solutions home page.